STEMagination: The Human Body
12 medical mysteries to solve

STEMagination: The Human Body

Pour la Fabrique
US (Anglais)
Type de livre audio
Participe à l'Aventure !
Journey and Jamal are at the doctor’s office for a routine checkup when they meet a teeny-tiny robot named Nano. He brings the children (and you) on a mission: to cure Patient One, a top-secret model of the human body.

Develop your STEMagination alongside Journey and Jamal as they discover the incredible inner workings of the human body. In this interactive pack of stories, you’ll choose a group of systems to explore, like the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, or nervous systems, among others.

As Nano’s monitors indicate that Patient One needs help with something, you’ll choose diagnoses and treatments to help cure the patient, and you'll discover how each choice worked out and why. Topics explored include allergies, asthma, broken bones, cuts and scrapes, growth, infection, the senses, stress, and more.

Take part in the adventure and solve all 12 medical mysteries!

Lunii note: You can press the OK button to skip story scenes as you explore all the paths.
Extrait n°1
Jestine Ware
Kathleen McInerney
Dan Bittner
Erica Durham
Jayla Nicholas
Kingston Michael Lynche
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